"OLD SCHOOL" - The Benefits of Piano Demos!The great classic animations from Warner Bros., Hanna Barbara, Disney and others have an illustrious history of great musical scores. Carl Stallings wonderful scores for Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies and Hoyt Curtin's scores for the Flintsones and Jetsons set the stage for generations of cartoons to follow. In those days, Composers didnt have the technology to "mock up" an orchestra. They would simply write a piece of music on the piano and play it for the producers and directors. The creative team realized that in the hands of a capable composer (or orchestrator) a great composition on the piano would only get better in the hands of the orchestra. Although Old School piano demos are not as common as they used to be. The highest echelons of animation scoring continue to realize its huge benefits. The piano demo can save the creative team an extraordinary amount of time and money by eliminating the very time consuming process of creating a mock up that, in the end, will be replaced with the dynamic and extraordinary live orchestra performance. Today, young producers and directors are not always aware of the process and benefits of the piano demo so I have created this page to demonstrate the creation of an animation score via the piano demo. I hope you enjoy the music!
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